GEO and ANTHRO: The 5 hardest languages to learn. REALLY!?

This from a website called "": The five hardest languages to learn

Warning:  This site, though it seems harmless enough, will start a video from the right sidebar that you will have to turn off if it annoys you as much as it did me.

I post this list more to generate some thought than to vouch for its veracity.  First of all, the list SHOULD say "for Europeans" or "people who speak Indo-European languages," to be more precise.  Which begs the question (I love to hate saying that- ask me sometime and I'll explain) if (spoiler alert) Japanese is so dang hard for English speakers to learn, shouldn't English be equally as difficult for the Japanese?  And there are far more English speakers than Japanese speakers, so why shouldn't English be on the list?  And (more spoiler) if Hungarian is on there, why not Finish or Estonian?  Or Basque, for that matter?

Frankly, from what I've read, Pidahao seems to be a lot more difficult than any of these languages, but it's spoken by a couple of hundred souls in the middle of the Amazon, so I guess they don't count.

Interesting question, but I think it invites a discussion as to why this is a bad question to begin with let alone an impossible one to answer.

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