GEO and ANTHRO: Funny Money Matters

Counterfeiting has been in the news recently, and while we often think about it terms of money, increasingly the practice translates to consumer goods as well as the tender we trade to buy them with.  Indeed, apart from the odd Canadian penny that convenience store clerks sneak into our handfull of change, we are not likely to run into funny money all that much (unless you pay for everything in Grants and Franklins like a ganster) but we increasingly find fake goods, especially if you buy things off ebay.  That awesome deal you found online that was too good to be true?  Guess what- it's not true.

But even though Time magazine has declared "conspicuous consumption" as yesterday's fashion fad, counterfeit goods are increasingly becoming low-end:

Even Counterfeiters Are Trading Down These Days

And, it appears, North Korea is running off "SuperNotes" just in time for the death of cash as a medium of exchange:

How the U.S. Could Pressure North Korea Tomorrow: Quit the $100 Bill

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