ANTHRO: Pandering To The Sensationalist Masses

Time magazine has some interesting articles, but this one just seems beyond the pale with its blan=tent pandering to the Discovery Channell/TLC/History Channel crowd.  Cryotozologists, Sasquwatchers, astronuts and other conspiracy theorists will love this outrageous treatment of what is an uncommon but neverthless fairly well-document practice uncovered by bioarcheologists the world over:  head-wrapping.


Ancient Conehead-like ‘Alien’ Skulls Unearthed in Mexico


ANTHRO: Food Shopping, Grocery Stores, and The Culture Of Consumption

Grocery stores fascinate me for many reasons.  Here is an academic treatment of grocery shopping by some obscure little university  reasearch lab:

Grocery Shopping Psychology

The Cornell Food & Brand Lab

GEO: Immigration reform bill likely in the Senate. What will the House do?

This from "politico":

Senate group reaches immigration deal

Illinois senior senator and co-sponor of the DREAM act Dick Durbin (top- second from left) is among the so-called "gang of 8".
(From top left) Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez, Michael Bennet, (from bottom left) Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, John McCain and Marco Rubio are shown in a composite. | AP Photos

And from the New York Times (some multimedia here as well):

Senators Offer a Bipartisan Blueprint for Immigration


GEO: Citizenship exam- Are you smarter than an immigrant?

Take the us Citizenship test at the Christian Science Monitor:

You must get 58 out of 96 questions correct in order to pass.
92% of immigrants seeking citizen pass the test, although they are given an oral exam where they must answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly to pass.