Digestive tract and bacteria are surprisingly important

Three recent articles about the role of digestive tract bacteria and their impact on our health.  It seems that what goes on in your guts has a LOT of important ramifications.

Interesting audio series

Here's series of anthropological vignettes produced by some folks at my Alma Mater- the University of New Mexico.  Anton Daughters, Ph.D, was a student in one of the first classes I ever taught, although I can hardly claim any sort of credit for the high quality of these recordings.



Good advice for college grads (or young workers in general)

Folks, the biggest obstacle to class mobility is... wait for it...  CULTURE!  Poor people don't talk the talk and walk the walk of rich people.  Your education level is pretty easy to discern by the way you speak, dress, and generally act.  Youndg people stumble most often because they can't, or won't, acculturate to the subculture of people who are older than them and wield power over them.  Therefore, they get relegated to menial jobs until they start acting like adults, whereby their supervisors suddenly recognize their potential.

Take this advice to heart:

20 Things 20 Year Olds Don't Understand

Don't get all defensive and angry because this is yet another slam on your generation.  This is good advice. Take it.