Population: Birth Control in the news

Do you know the difference between the "Morning After" pill and the "Abortion Pill"?  No?  Neither did most of the legislators who passed laws on the first thinking it was the second.

With a new Pope coming from a region that needs (and quietly uses) birth control, you would think his stance on it is fairly moderate.  But it isn't.  The real news on the BC has nothing to do with priggish medieval social instititions and their quaint insistence that they are the last word on sexual morality.  Rather, it is the revolution in birth control that we are on the brink of experiencing.  The male version of "The Pill" is right around the corner, seemingly, and there are other safe, cheap and effective achoices for birth control on the horizon. 

Time Magazine section on Birth Control (includes resources from around the web, including the New York Times).


RELIGION: Shia and Sunni Explained (But not by me.)

A couple of resources on Sunni vs. Shia Islam (cuz it's been on my mind lately):

A Shiite Muslim holds a picture of historic Shiite leader Imam Hussein.

Hoping to get a grant to travel to Turkey this summer- a destination people have been recommending to me for years.  It will be my first experience in a Muslim country.

Cultural Anthro: Wealth and Inequality

The New York Times has a new online series about inequality.  The first article talks about fairness, progressive vs. regressive tax strategies and how the poor are being increasingly targeted by tax hikes in the South and Westerns US.


Also, this viral Youtube video generated discussion in class today:



Wealth Inequality in America

by politizane3 months ago4,491,829 views
Wealth Inequality in America ... Infographics on the distribution of wealth in