Winner Declared in Chimpanzee Art Contest- New York Times

Disappointing that there are no links to their work:

but here is a resource for some ape artworks:

Postscript:  I own an original painting by "Cheeta"  [sic], one of the chimps who played Tarzan's pet in the 30s era Tarzan movies with Johnny Weismuller.  He (Cheeta) is mentioned at the end of the article as having won second place and an honorable mention by Jane Goodall).

Jane Goodall Also owns one, so Cheeta perhaps had an unfair advantage, as he was a sentimental favorite.  Here's a picture of MY Cheeta original:

Note that it is signed at the bottom with a thumbprint.  Cheeta is the oldest living Chimp ever known, and if you want a painting you better act fast.  They are tax deductible, by the way,  and cost about a hundred bucks (maybe a bit more now- I bought mine a few years ago.  Here is the website:


Jennifer Raizel Summers said...

I want to see the Cheeta painting!

Marc A. Healy said...

Photo Added. Sorry about the omission- I was trying to add this hastily and got lazy.