ANTHRO: Why Do So Many Have Trouble Believing in Evolution?

From the "Cosmos and Culture" blog on National Public Radio's website, on Wed, 1/18 they posted the following story: Why Do So Many Have Trouble Believing in Evolution?

I see polls conducted about what percentage of people believe what, and they all seem to differ.  This article cites  a 2009 Gallup poll.  Polls aside, the author (a physicist from Dartmouth) makes some informative observations (but hardly an exhaustive list) about the evidence for evolution.  The comments that are posted at the bottom of the article are pretty standard fare for this kind of article- a lot of "yes it is,"  "no it isn't;" "Yes it IS!" no it ISN'T!" arguments.  Which is why I don't bother arguing this point any more.  In my classes, you don't have to believe in evolution.  You just have to understand it, and also understand that it's the philosophical underpinning of all modern biology and biological anthropology.  You needn't believe Hinduism in order to take a class in Hindu theology, for that matter.

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